AI of Things Analysing tourist profiles in Spain with INE Tourism is one of the main sectors of economic activity in Spain. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INE), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Economy in...
AI of Things Mobility patterns in Lima and Callao based on Big Data technology We often think of Big Data as something exclusive to private companies. But one of the clearest applications is that of public bodies who want to improve the lives...
AI of Things First results of the OOH advertising project in Brazil On the 26th March, Clear Channel, JCDecaux and Otima presented the results of the OOH map campaigns in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo that were carried out alongside...
AI of Things How Germany moves Our colleagues in Telefonica NEXT have created, using mobility data, data analysis and big data, an interactive map that lets you visualize nationwide traffic flows. Cities, transport companies and...
AI of Things Understanding clients of La Vaguada shopping center Understanding the profile of clients, and their wants and needs, is vital for any brand. Companies that know what their target audience wants will be able to reach their...
AI of Things The data-driven “green corridor” in Cali The power of data has moved out of the confines of businesses and start-ups and has reached public circles and most notably, our cities. More and more local governments are hiring Big...
AI of Things Designing an OOH advertising map in Brazil For any company, it is vital that they maximize their client reach, and one way of doing this is to make use of the power and value that advertising...
AI of Things Mobility and transport planning in Neuquén There are more and more cities who, thanks to technology and the use of data, are hoping to improve the quality of life of their citizens though carrying out...
AI of Things Understanding the visitors of the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid Every organization needs to understand who their target audience is, in order to know how to direct their activity and through this, define their strategy and lines of action....
AI of Things The stand-out moments of BDID2017 (I) : Thank you for enjoying this day with us! Last Tuesday, the 31st of October, we celebrated the Big Data Innovation Day 2017 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon. The main Auditorium of Distrito Telefonica was full of guests and many others followed...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick Latch, new ElevenPaths' service During the time we’ve been working in ElevenPaths we’ve faced many kind of events internally, buy one of the most exciting and awaited is the birth of Latch. It’s a technology of our...
Florence Broderick HookMe, a tool for intercepting communications with API hooking HookMe is a tool for Windows that allows to intercept system processes when calling APIs needed for network connections. The tool, still in beta, was developed by Manuel Fernández (now...
Florence Broderick How does blacklisting work in Java and how to take advantage of it (using whitelisting) Oracle has introduced the notion of whitelisting in its latest version of Java 7 update 40. That is a great step ahead (taken too late) in security for this...