AI of Things Cloud AI vs. Edge AI: know their differences and choose the right approach for your AI project Learn about the differences between Edge AI and Cloud AI, advantages and disadvantages, and choose the right approach for your Artificial Intelligence project.
AI of Things These free Google courses will get you started with generative-AI Learn about the concepts and principles of generative AI or how to create and deploy AI solutions: language models, image generation... and also about responsible AI.
AI of Things Do not miss what happened at NID 2018: WE ARE IN Under the claim We are in, Telefónica developed the Network Innovation Day 2018 (#NID2018) on July 14th. This was the first annual innovation event of the network, which aims...
AI of Things Case Study: Netshoes sponsors its mobile website and app with great results In our recent blog post explaining the benefits of sponsored data, we looked at how the company Netshoes used sponsored data to increase their key metrics. In this post,...
AI of Things Deep Learning and satellite images to estimate the impact of COVID19 Motivated by the fact that the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused worldwide turmoil in a short period of time since December 2019, we estimate the negative impact of...
AI of Things Success Story: LUCA Transit and Highways England The transport industry is very receptive to the application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence strategies, as there are clear use cases that can maximize a companies’ efficiency and...
AI of Things Where are people from Madrid going during the upcoming December holidays? During the early December bank holiday many of us take the opportunity to relax, discover new places or return to our countries of origin. This time, as a further...
AI of Things Mobility and transport planning in Neuquén There are more and more cities who, thanks to technology and the use of data, are hoping to improve the quality of life of their citizens though carrying out...
Olivia Brookhouse ARTYficial Intelligence or just Artificial, can tech be creative? When I hear the word art, a few masterpieces spring to mind; Monet’s Water lilies, Picasso’s Guernica and Van Gough’s Starry Night. Whilst many artists names’ do not carry...
Carlos Alberto Lorenzo Sandoval Transform to Perform: If you have talent in your company, don’t let it escape Cars can’t fly yet, but do we need them when we are experiencing a flood of information from all directions? I have always wondered what the traffic lights of the future would...
Richard Benjamins Is your AI system discriminating without knowing it?: The paradox between fairness and privacy This post assumes that readers are aware of the good things that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can bring to our businesses, societies and lives. And also about the most evident challenges that...
AI of Things LUCA Talk: RCS for Business Messaging, a New Generation It is undeniable that we are in the midst of a revolution in communications. With more than five billion active accounts in mobile messaging applications and a strong upward...
Olivia Brookhouse Can Big Data help reduce Deforestation in the Amazon? The disturbing images and videos of the Amazon ablaze last month were truly shocking and saddening. Not only trees, but wildlife, animals, habitats and homes burned to the...
Víctor González Improving Effectiveness at a Call Center with Machine Learning Understanding our clients and giving the best response to meeting their needs in the shortest amount of time possible is key to improving satisfaction and engagement with the company. The problem begins...
Olivia Brookhouse Could Artificial Intelligence be used to prevent suicide? The UK and Europe are experiencing a Mental Health crisis, where Suicide is the most common cause of death for men aged 20-49 in England and Wales. According to...
AI of Things Improving intent to purchase with mobile advertising: Success Story of Milpa Real The Kantar Millward study demonstrates the effectiveness of the Mobile Advertising platform Data Rewards. The objective of the Brand Lift study is to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign,...
AI of Things Are data-driven strategies in the energy sector competitive? Naturgy proves it. In today’s data story, we explore the success story of a large energy company, Naturgy, and how its digital transformation process towards becoming a data-driven company is already having...
Olivia Brookhouse AI in Advertising: Prediciting Trends or Reinforcing Stereotypes? Have you ever noticed the stark differences between the advertisements shown on our respective Facebook pages, even under the same roof? From Husband to Wife, Mother to Daughter, Sister...
Florence Broderick Quick and dirty script in Powershell to check certificate fingerprints Malware is using signed binaries to attack Windows systems. Malware needs it to get into the roots of the operative system. So attackers steal or create their own certificates....
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick Top of the app charts. Shuabang: automated malware made in China Have you ever wondered how some apps rocket up the charts so quickly? Sometimes you’ll spot one that seems like a curveball, like a pub rock covers band hitting...
Florence Broderick Latch, new ElevenPaths' service During the time we’ve been working in ElevenPaths we’ve faced many kind of events internally, buy one of the most exciting and awaited is the birth of Latch. It’s a technology of our...
Florence Broderick HookMe, a tool for intercepting communications with API hooking HookMe is a tool for Windows that allows to intercept system processes when calling APIs needed for network connections. The tool, still in beta, was developed by Manuel Fernández (now...