AI of Things Cloud AI vs. Edge AI: know their differences and choose the right approach for your AI project Learn about the differences between Edge AI and Cloud AI, advantages and disadvantages, and choose the right approach for your Artificial Intelligence project.
AI of Things These free Google courses will get you started with generative-AI Learn about the concepts and principles of generative AI or how to create and deploy AI solutions: language models, image generation... and also about responsible AI.
Cristina de la Cruz Do Virtual Assistants improve the user experience with telcos? Virtual Assistants are more and more relevant in people’s daily lives, especially when it comes to requesting traffic information, reminders, weather reports… However, when it comes to interacting with...
Sandra Tello Technology for the planet Climate change is already affecting all regions on Earth, causing extreme weather incidents, including heat waves, heavy rainfall and more frequent and severe droughts. It is estimated that the...
AI of Things Deep Learning and satellite images to estimate the impact of COVID19 Motivated by the fact that the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused worldwide turmoil in a short period of time since December 2019, we estimate the negative impact of...
AI of Things Success Story: LUCA Transit and Highways England The transport industry is very receptive to the application of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence strategies, as there are clear use cases that can maximize a companies’ efficiency and...
AI of Things Open Data and API’s in Video Games: League of Legends puts them to practice Written by David Heras an intern at LUCA alongside Javier Carro a LUCA Data Scientist. When we at LUCA became aware of the release of the upcoming Movistar eSports we wanted to give a nod to fans of...
AI of Things The data-driven “green corridor” in Cali The power of data has moved out of the confines of businesses and start-ups and has reached public circles and most notably, our cities. More and more local governments are hiring Big...
AI of Things What GDPR laws mean for you Post written by Rodrigo Machado – Head of Technology, Mobile Advertising General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR, the new EU regulation that has been designed to update the existing data...
AI of Things Data Roles: Which is the right one for you? The world of Data, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence is so vast and varied, that it becomes necessary to define different profiles. Throughout this post we will describe each...
AI of Things Traffic spikes before football games? The effect of the World Cup in Germany Post written by Telefónica NEXT Once every four years, The FIFA World Cup brings fans together in a month of surprising events. Every game is different, but each is filled...
AI of Things How Germany Moves project wins at the German Online Communications Awards In another post from the start of this year, which you can read here, we presented the interactivty mobility map that our colleagues at Telefónica NEXT in Germany had created....
AI of Things A history of Lisp and its use in neural networks – Part I Written by Sergio Sancho Azcoitia, Security Researcher for ElevenPaths Today we kick off a new series that will consist in two articles in which we will briefly introduce you to...
AI of Things Do not miss what happened at NID 2018: WE ARE IN Under the claim We are in, Telefónica developed the Network Innovation Day 2018 (#NID2018) on July 14th. This was the first annual innovation event of the network, which aims...
AI of Things Deep Learning vs Atari: train your AI to dominate classic videogames (Part III) Written by Enrique Blanco (CDO Researcher) and Fran Ramírez (Security Researcher at Eleven Paths) In this post, we will offer details about the architectures chosen for our models, the logic that the agent follows during the training,...
AI of Things LUCATalk Recap: 6 challenges for Artificial Intelligence’s sustainability and what we should do about it <If you're interested in Artificial Intelligence, you already know that it has many benefits and successful uses. It can improve the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, optimize the management...
Richard Benjamins Lessons learned from The Cambridge Analytica / Facebook scandal It has been now some time that the Cambridge Analytica / Facebook scandal was first revealed on March 17, 2018 by The Guardian and the New York Times. Much has been...
AI of Things Deep Learning vs Atari: train your AI to dominate classic videogames (Part II) Written by Enrique Blanco (CDO Researcher) and Fran Ramírez (Security Researcher at Eleven Paths) In this article, the second about our experiment using Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Deep Learning in...
Innovation Marketing Team Empowering women in entrepreneurship: 10 female – led startups in Germany In Germany, only about 15% of startups are initiated by women. Sadly, the figure has been stagnant for years. Additionally, female-led startups receive significantly less Venture Capital than those...
ElevenPaths Squeezing the numbers and facts of Google’s annual Android security report Last month Google published its third annual security report on Android’s security protections, aiming to send a clear message to the world about mobile malware (or Potentially Harmful Applications...
Florence Broderick Quick and dirty script in Powershell to check certificate fingerprints Malware is using signed binaries to attack Windows systems. Malware needs it to get into the roots of the operative system. So attackers steal or create their own certificates....
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...