Beatriz Sanz Baños Have you ever wondered where the energy comes from? Thousands of companies and households have already use solar energy, with the dual purpose of reducing the carbon footprint of the planet and actively control their consumption. Have you already joined...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Enjoy Connected Beer Going out to grab a beer we could say is a tradition now in Spain. Spaniards consume more than 3,500 million liters per year. What you may not know...
Beatriz Sanz Baños IoT arrives inside the volcanoes Thanks to the installation of sensors inside the crater, the information collected in real time about temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure, can be accessed. In this way, you have...
Luis Simón Gómez Semeleder Now cycling is safer thanks to drones and IoT How many of us don’t feel safe overtaking a bike on the road? The truth is that while driving a car we could be presented with a dangerous situation,...
Beatriz Sanz Baños IoT is increasingly getting safer Technology is constantly evolving and offering new applications to users. There are always risks when innovating and putting these inventions into practice is more likely when the risks are...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Take control of your vehicles with Fleet Optimise Mobility has become more intelligent thanks to the presence of IoT. In the same way that users use the connected solutions to make more efficient journeys or to park...
Beatriz Sanz Baños IoT, the new ally of renewable energies? Since its arrival, IoT has been pushing society towards a future in which most devices will be connected. Climate change and pollution levels also lead us to a future...
Beatriz Sanz Baños A much safer world is possible thanks to IoT The police forces usually use reactive methods to stop the damage generated when a crime occurs. However, security measures are being transformed into more preventive actions by allowing them to predict...
Beatriz Sanz Baños The “Cable Girls” of today Technological revolutions, such as the growth of Internet of Things, generate disruptive social changes. One of the most important consequences is the great boost they generate for the development of...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Medical video assistance thanks to IoT Much has been said about the arrival of Internet of Things in numerous sectors such as industry, home automation or even leisure, but little, however, of its application to...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Bed time will never be the same Internet of Things has proven to be very useful in improving people’s lives in areas such as health and personal rest. This technology has also been proven to help...
Salmerón Uribes Marina “The client seeks to live a different experience with each purchase” “The music of nougat “El Almendro” is recognized by one hundred percent of the respondents” We all take it for granted when entering a hotel, a cafeteria or a supermarket...
Beatriz Sanz Baños It’s one thing to be told you’re safe and it’s another thing to feel safe We can confirm that Smart Cities nowadays are already a reality and not a futuristic promise that is yet to come. Although there is still a long way to...
Salmerón Uribes Marina The connected football stadiums The Wanda Metropolitan Stadium of Club Atlético de Madrid is the most intelligent stadium in Europe today. After the emergence of Telefónica as an official technology provider, the possibilities...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick Latch, new ElevenPaths' service During the time we’ve been working in ElevenPaths we’ve faced many kind of events internally, buy one of the most exciting and awaited is the birth of Latch. It’s a technology of our...
Florence Broderick HookMe, a tool for intercepting communications with API hooking HookMe is a tool for Windows that allows to intercept system processes when calling APIs needed for network connections. The tool, still in beta, was developed by Manuel Fernández (now...
Florence Broderick How does blacklisting work in Java and how to take advantage of it (using whitelisting) Oracle has introduced the notion of whitelisting in its latest version of Java 7 update 40. That is a great step ahead (taken too late) in security for this...