Florence Broderick ElevenPaths uncover several malicious apps on Google Play ElevenPaths published recently an investigation revealing how malicious apps are opperating in Google PLay, by subscribing users under special tariff numbers. They analysed which type of app is mostly...
Florence Broderick Now you can use Latch with Dropbox, Facebook and others digital services Many of you have asked us which services you can use Latch with, regretting that so far it could not be used in the more common services, such as...
Florence Broderick Another month, another new rooting malware family for Android Several months ago there was a media explosion about Android-rooting malware on Google Play. Those families were discovered by Cheetah Mobile Security Research Lab, Check Point, Lookout, FireEye,...
Florence Broderick [New report] Demographic Analysis of Google Play Donwload the full report here Download the new report shows that Tacyt had dissected a total of 3,365,527 applications from the Google Play Store, of which only 2,438,864 remained...
Florence Broderick Research: On the overexposure of Amazon credentials in mobile apps The development of mobile applications that interact with common services in mobility environments such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), Amazon Simple Queue Service...
Florence Broderick The Android Trojan preinstalled in Amazon Tablets is in Google Play as well Researchers from Cheetah Mobile have found Trojans preinstalled in some cheap Amazon tablets, very hard to remove. But, here in ElevenPaths we have found that a version of this...
Florence Broderick Apps in Google Play that install an HTTP Server as a backdoor in your Android Trend Micro has discovered a very interesting problem with an SDK called Moplus that, literally, works as a backdoor for Android devices. The problems here are that this SDK...
Florence Broderick Android malware not only posing as Word documents… but Excel as well China is a paradise for “SMS stealing malware” for Android. These programs steal your SMS inbox, notebook… The only “problem” for malware creators is to induce users to...
Florence Broderick Top of the app charts. Shuabang: automated malware made in China Have you ever wondered how some apps rocket up the charts so quickly? Sometimes you’ll spot one that seems like a curveball, like a pub rock covers band hitting...
Florence Broderick The Turkish behind pr0nClicker, uploads badware to Google Play for the fourth time During last week, the Turkish (maybe a gang, maybe just a person) behind the pr0nClickers malware got to avoid Google Play defenses and upload again dozens of fake apps...
Fernando Menéndez-Ros Telefónica Colombia and Ecuador: Success stories in Digital Transformation Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the digital relationship with customers is becoming closer and more efficient. Colombia and Ecuador have positioned themselves as pioneers in their markets by opting for avant-garde technologies such...
ElevenPaths Limiting the use scope of our secrets in Latch with “Limited Secrets” When creating a Latch app as a developer, Latch provides us with an application identifier (appId) and a secret. These two keys allow us to sign the requests sent...
Florence Broderick ElevenPaths joins Saint Patrick Technology to offer security solutions based on the latest Big Data technologies We announce today our most recent partnership with Saint Patrick Technology, the leading company in the development of solutions based on the latest technologies, such as AR, VR, NFC,...
Florence Broderick New vulnerabilitites Trend Report: “Companies keep making life easier to attackers” Download the full report here You can now download the “New 2014-2015 Vulnerability Trend Report” by ElevenPaths’ Analyst Team. This vulnerability trend report analyses the data of over 100...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...