Florence Broderick You can still win 5000 dollars. Send your Latch plugins over! Remember that on Monday, December 12 at 1pm (CET), the deadline for the submission of applications for our Latch plugins competition ends. You’ve had almost two months to think...
Florence Broderick Take part in Latch Plugins Contest with such hacks as Paper Key. Are you game? At Elevenpaths there is a tradition of developing innovation and training the ability to transform an idea into something tangible, as you might know that in development process, projects...
Florence Broderick Connect via streaming Security Innovation Day, the event of the year in cybersecurity SIGN UP TO THE live stream! Welcome to the fourth edition of our Security Innovation Day which will be celebrated on October 6 at 3:00 pm (Madrid time) at the Telefónica...
Florence Broderick Mobile phone Surveillance: Who’s listening to your calls? In the current digital world, espionage is much more common than we think. Revelations from Edward Snowden that the NSA hacked SIMs to spy on mobile conversations prove that...
ElevenPaths Telefónica WannaCry File Restorer: How can we recover information deleted by WannaCry? When cyberattacks occur in large organizations, it is crucial to remember where duplicate files are stored, as this information is also subject to infection by a malware virus or...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick The Turkish behind pr0nClicker, uploads badware to Google Play for the fourth time During last week, the Turkish (maybe a gang, maybe just a person) behind the pr0nClickers malware got to avoid Google Play defenses and upload again dozens of fake apps...
Florence Broderick JSDialers: apps calling premium rate numbers (with new techniques) in Google Play During last year, a lot of “made in Spain” malware was found in Google Play. It was basically malware that tried to silently subscribe the victim to premium SMS numbers. From a while...
Florence Broderick The beginning It is widely known that writing the first post is always a difficult task, but it is a compelling one. It’s the start of a new path that you...