AI of Things MWC 2017 Day 1: Unlocking Big Data value with LUCA Comms This week, we’re showing a range of truly exciting demos on our stand at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. In Hall 3, as part of Telefónica’s stand – we’re...
AI of Things Open Data and API’s in Video Games: League of Legends puts them to practice When we at LUCA became aware of the release of the upcoming Movistar eSports we wanted to give a nod to fans of games like LOL and CSGO. With the help of David Heras, who collaborated...
Ana Zamora LUCA reshapes tourism insights at SDWC 2017 Last Friday, the first edition of the World Conference on Smart Destinations took place in Murcia. More than 100 experts from over twenty countries discussed trends such as digital...
AI of Things Our top 5 Big Data blogs Want to keep up with the latest innovation Big Data? Who are the Artificial Intelligence gurus out there on Twitter? It’s normal to feel the struggle to keep up...
AI of Things 4 reasons why you should visit the LUCA stand at MWC2017 Next week, we’ll be taking part in Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the world’s largest gathering for the telecommunications industry. With Big Data and Artificial Intelligence playing such a...
Ana Zamora Open Algorithms, what are they? Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye explains Yves – Alexandre de Montjoye is a lecturer at Imperial College London’s new Data Science Institute. As a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard IQSS, his main field of research focuses on metadata...
Ana Zamora LUCA Talk 2: Big Data as a Force for Good In the world of data, we tend to focus on how Big Data technology can optimize our organizations, maximize revenues and make our organizational processes more efficient. However, there is...
Beatriz Sanz Baños GeoGestión, the Internet of Mobile Workforces GeoGestión is a solution that streamlines processes that were previously costly for businesses in terms of both money and resources. To illustrate this with some examples this system addresses...
Richard Benjamins How these 4 sports are using Data Science Thousands of companies around the world may have started their journey to become data-driven, harnessing the full potential of Big Data, however, the world of professional sports is only...
AI of Things These 4 people are using Big Data to find their Valentine More often than not, we talk about the application of Big Data in the realms of business – focusing on how such technology can enable us to optimize our...
Innovation Marketing Team Empowering women in entrepreneurship: 10 female – led startups in Germany In Germany, only about 15% of startups are initiated by women. Sadly, the figure has been stagnant for years. Additionally, female-led startups receive significantly less Venture Capital than those...
ElevenPaths Squeezing the numbers and facts of Google’s annual Android security report Last month Google published its third annual security report on Android’s security protections, aiming to send a clear message to the world about mobile malware (or Potentially Harmful Applications...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick How does blacklisting work in Java and how to take advantage of it (using whitelisting) Oracle has introduced the notion of whitelisting in its latest version of Java 7 update 40. That is a great step ahead (taken too late) in security for this...