AI of Things Are you Ready for a Wild World? Don’t miss out on Big Data for Social Good 2018! Ready for a Wild World? Our next Big Data for Social Good event will be dedicated to Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness Although we often associate Big Data with worries...
AI of Things Can mobile phone traces help shed light on the spread of Zika in Colombia? Content written by Daniela Perrotta, ISI Foundation researcher and UN Global Pulse fellow and Enrique Frias-Martinez, Researcher, Telefonica Research, Madrid. Originally posted on the UN Global Pulse blog. Nowadays, thanks...
AI of Things Using Big Data to combat Air Pollution in Brazil Content originally written by Raquel Carretero Juárez, for the Telefonica Public Policy Blog. Telefónica Brazil is using mobile network Big Data to monitor air pollution in São Paulo (Brazil) and...
AI of Things Predictive Analysis and Machine Learning improving quality of life for refugees The refugee crisis is an ongoing issue that is sadly growing by the day. Currently, it is believed that roughly 65 million people live as refugees or are displaced...
AI of Things SafePost: Technology available to the user at any moment Today SafePost was born, a new service that allows publication on social media and the sending of emails by using SMS. The mobile technology is building a better world...
AI of Things III Impact Innovation Talks: Big Data’s new challenges, achievements and opportunities Yesterday, the 16th of November, the III Impact Innovation Talks was held and was organized by Telefónica Open Future together with PWN Madrid. This third edition of a talk series with the slogan #WomansAge aims...
AI of Things The stand-out moments of BDID2017 (I) : Thank you for enjoying this day with us! Last Tuesday, the 31st of October, we celebrated the Big Data Innovation Day 2017 enjoyed a fantastic afternoon. The main Auditorium of Distrito Telefonica was full of guests and many others followed...
AI of Things GSMA Announces new developments in BD4SG Initiative Last week, September 19th, the GSMA announced, at the United Nations General Assembly Week in New York, new developments in its Big Data for Social Good Initiative. Eduardo Navarro, President...
AI of Things Big Data combating crime in New York Original content from Lourdes Tejedor, Community Manager and Editor at Telefonica. One city: New York; one problem: crime. How can we contain and control it? When and where is it...
AI of Things A World-Changing Combination: Dr. Claire Melamed on Big Data, Collaboration and the SDGs Dr. Claire Melamed is the Executive Director of Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data (GPSDD), where she leads efforts to collaborate on leveraging data to meet the UN’s Sustainable...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick HookMe, a tool for intercepting communications with API hooking HookMe is a tool for Windows that allows to intercept system processes when calling APIs needed for network connections. The tool, still in beta, was developed by Manuel Fernández (now...
Florence Broderick How does blacklisting work in Java and how to take advantage of it (using whitelisting) Oracle has introduced the notion of whitelisting in its latest version of Java 7 update 40. That is a great step ahead (taken too late) in security for this...
Florence Broderick Information leakage in Data Loss Prevention leader companies Gartner has released a study that classifies the most important companies that offer Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solutions depending on their position, strategy, effectiveness, and market leadership. We have made...