Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón What Is Wrong with Quantum Cryptography That the World’s Largest Intelligence Agencies Discourage Its Use Quantum cryptography does not exist. What everyone understands when the term “quantum cryptography” is mentioned is actually the quantum key distribution (QKD). And this is precisely what I want...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Nonces, Salts, Paddings and Other Random Herbs for Cryptographic Salad Dressing The chronicles of the kings of Norway has it that King Olaf Haraldsson the Saint disputed the possession of the Hísing island with his neighbour the King of Sweden....
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Rock, Paper, Scissors and Other Ways to Commit Now and Reveal Later Have you ever played rock, paper, scissors? I bet you have. Well, let’s put the tin lid on it: how would you play through the phone? One thing is...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Are You Crypto-Agile to Respond Quickly to Changing Cyberthreats? A business is considered agile if it is able to respond quickly to market changes, adapt to maintain stability. However, without cryptography there is no security and without security...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Encryption That Preserves The Format To Ensure The Privacy Of Financial And Personal Data Your personal information swarms through thousands of databases of public and private organizations. How do you protect its confidentiality so that it does not fall into the wrong hands?...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón The Future of Digital Signatures to Protect Your Money Lies in Threshold Cryptography Imagine you were such a modern person, that all your money was in cryptocurrency instead of in a traditional bank. If you have ever handled cryptocurrencies, you will know that they are...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, zkSTARKs and the Future of Privacy in a Decentralised World In the Renaissance Italy, duels between mathematicians were common, but not by crossing steels, but by solving difficult problems. One of the hardest bones to crack at the time...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón How to Track COVID-19 Infections, Discover Contacts On WhatsApp or Share Your Genes While Keeping Your Privacy When you sign up for a new social network, such as WhatsApp, you are often asked if you want to find out who among your contacts is already part...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón Challenges and Business Opportunities of Post Quantum Cryptography Sooner or later we'll have to make the leap to post-quantum cryptography. Discover this new system and prepare your organization for change.
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón China Leads the Race Towards an Attack-Proof Quantum Internet We are one step closer to reaching the Holy Grail of cryptography. Discover the details in this article.