Waste collection vehicles join the RevolutIOTn

Fernando García Gómez    31 July, 2019

What’s the impact of technology in our lives?

Undoubtely, it makes our daily life easier both in the personal and profesional field, allowing us to obtain more benefits with less cost and effort. Technology, when applied to telecommunicatios and mobility, opens up a world of possibilities and makes culture more accesible to everyone. 

Second question is: how does all of this impact on the environment we live? Is it possible to continue living without depleting the planet’s resources? Yes, it will be posible thanks to energy efficiency, key factor to keep running the technological race generating the least posible impact.

We speak of an efficient use of energy when we use new technologies that require a smaller amount of resources than we have been using so far. This way the perfomance to do the same task is considerably greater and the impact would be much less aggressive for the planet. It’s a win-win. Energy efficiency is also necessary because, due to the increasing energy consumption worldwide, costs also decrease. This leads us to continuously look for new sources of energy, renewables and clean, that could guarantee the supply, not only in the present, but in the long term.

A recognised case of energy efficiency is that of Ferrovial Servicios, the services company, which has been recently awarded with the EnerTIC prize for the project Smart Vehicle carried out with Telefónica and Geotab. This is an IoT Project for innovation applied to the vehicles they use on the management of their contracts. The project has been implemented jointly by Telefónica and Ferrovial Servicios on a great part of the vehicle fleet of the services company. This award recognizes the innovation to achieve energy efficiency in the digital era, in order to value the use of technologies to improve efficiency and sustainability.

The project connects all vehicles through a telematic device that sends real-time data such as GPS location, routes, speed, consumption and drivers’ behavour to an internal platform. This way, the analysis of the data allows them to improve their operations, to stablish efficient driving rules to reduce consumption and CO2 emissions and to improve safety. In addition, this program facilitates the transition towards the use of less fossil fuels, increases the safety of vehicles and reduces company costs.

In conclusion, a shift towards a more sustainable use of energy is possible and technologies like IoT are key to achieve it. Thanks to the precise information provided by telematics and the automated analysis that is made of the data, we can optimize processes, which leads to greater productivity with minimal expense.

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