Beatriz Sanz Baños Enjoy Connected Beer Going out to grab a beer we could say is a tradition now in Spain. Spaniards consume more than 3,500 million liters per year. What you may not know...
Beatriz Sanz Baños How do brands speak to you? Internet of Things gives companies a world of possibilities to improve their productivity, management and service they offer to their clients. This last section is especially important in Retail, where...
Beatriz Sanz Baños IoT to improve your Tourist Experience Would you like to enjoy a more personalized and efficient experience during your vacation? The arrival of IoT is already a real revolution in the tourism sector where this...
Beatriz Sanz Baños The Smart mining revolution The integration of IoT in smart mining manages to connect its employees with their work environment, providing different benefits that reduce the percentage of accidents. Since its inception, safety has...
Luis Simón Gómez Semeleder Drones in Precision Farming Streamlining and modernizing farming techniques has been a key process since the turn of the century in order to ensure global food supplies. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Click & Go, the multipurpose button What are Click & Go Solutions? Click & Go solutions are Telefónica’s innovative approach aimed at providing instant IoT solutions for organizations that traditionally do business in non-connected ways. The...
Beatriz Sanz Baños Connected Health, or IoT as your best lifeline IoT started mainly as a way of automating industrial and mechanical processes that relied heavily on human intervention. Yet one of the biggest yearnings of mankind has always been...
Beatriz Sanz Baños What is the difference between M2M and IoT? Once a trend, the Internet of Things has become a reality that is changing the world in which we live. However, buzzwords can sometimes lead to confusion and cause questions...
Innovation Marketing Team Empowering women in entrepreneurship: 10 female – led startups in Germany In Germany, only about 15% of startups are initiated by women. Sadly, the figure has been stagnant for years. Additionally, female-led startups receive significantly less Venture Capital than those...
ElevenPaths Squeezing the numbers and facts of Google’s annual Android security report Last month Google published its third annual security report on Android’s security protections, aiming to send a clear message to the world about mobile malware (or Potentially Harmful Applications...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick Latch, new ElevenPaths' service During the time we’ve been working in ElevenPaths we’ve faced many kind of events internally, buy one of the most exciting and awaited is the birth of Latch. It’s a technology of our...