Mobile Threat Protection

Florence Broderick    28 April, 2016
The agreement between Eleven Paths and Check Point on commercialization and technological integration allows Telefonica to complement its Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solution with the most advanced mobile protection service.

At ElevenPaths we strongly believe that the only viable Information Security is one that protects all breaches of the corporate perimeter. When criminal organizations attack a corporation, they try to make their way successively to all entry-points in order to break any possible barrier. Hence, the security of the whole system is equal to the security of its weakest front. The security strategies that don´t shield against all possible attack vectors are completely useless versus advanced attacks.

This is the principle that guided us when developing our mobile security service product during the last months. We have implemented two confluent lines of work: on one hand, the capabilities improvement of our product Tacyt; on the other hand a thorough market research looking for the most forward-looking security technology which would meet all and each one of our demanding requirements (depicted in the diagram below) and which would naturally adjust itself to our products and services ecosystem.

We are convinced that the Mobile Threat Protection Service of Telefonica integrated into our Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) suite is the best and the most comprehensive protection in the world. This service is disruptive for the following reasons:

  • It protects against the three mobile vectors attack. Most of the mobile security solutions are incomplete since they are only able to detect malicious applications, being ineffective against device or network attacks.
  • Behavioural Adaptive Security Analysis. In mobile context, the speed of attacks is almost instantaneous and malware mutation is fast. This has made it undetectable for traditional signature-based antivirus. Therefore MTP includes patented algorithms of behavioural analysis that, in combination with the advanced correlation from Tacyt, allows to detect zero-day attacks
  • Automatic triggering of quarantine policies. The answer to an attack can´t wait. For that reason MTP is integrated with the Telefonica MDM service to immediately trigger quarantine actions in order to isolate all at-risk devices and prevent information theft and lateral movements.
  • A built-in user-friendly service which ensures enterprise productivity. MTP is one more component of the Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) suite of Telefonica. Thanks to the suite, the Telefonica clients have a single access point for corporate mobility services: connectivity, telecom expenses management, mobilization and productivity processes, mobile device management, and, of course, advanced security. It is also possible to hire some efficient professional services to which delegate the aforementioned services management.

To conclude, we strongly believe that our clients benefit from the best mobile security service available on the market.

*It may be of your interest:

Francisco Oteiza Lacalle

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