Diego Samuel Espitia Using Development Libraries to Deploy Malware Cybercriminals seek strategies to achieve their objectives: in some cases, it is users’ information; in others, connections; sometimes they generate networks of computers under their control (botnets), etc. Any...
Sergio de los Santos A Simple Explanation About SAD DNS and Why It Is a Disaster (or a Blessing) In 2008, Kaminsky shook the foundations of the Internet. A design flaw in the DNS made it possible to fake responses and send a victim wherever the attacker wanted....
Andrés Naranjo Homeworking and Pandemics: a Practical Analysis on BlueKeep Vulnerability in Spain and Latin America “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”.Charles Darwin One of...
ElevenPaths Curiosities About Windows XP Code Leak A few days ago, attention was focused on Reddit, within a community that is characterised by its conspiracy theories. According to the news it consisted of filtering 43 GBs...
Gonzalo Álvarez Marañón How to Track COVID-19 Infections, Discover Contacts On WhatsApp or Share Your Genes While Keeping Your Privacy When you sign up for a new social network, such as WhatsApp, you are often asked if you want to find out who among your contacts is already part...
ElevenPaths Cybersecurity Weekly Briefing 29 August-4 September Red Dawn, new attached document from Emotet The use of a new attached document template by Emotet has been identified over the past week. The name given by security researcher Joseph...
ElevenPaths Cybersecurity Weekly Briefing August 22-28 Conti ransomware distributed after Trickbot Conti is a relatively new ransomware that appeared in isolated attacks in December 2019 but started to become a relevant threat in June 2020, when...
ElevenPaths Cybersecurity Weekly Briefing August 15-21 EmoCrash: stopping Emotet for almost 6 months Emotet’s comeback after a 6 month-period absence has hinted that the hiatus in the malware’s operations could be due to the discovery of...
ElevenPaths Cybersecurity Weekly Briefing August 8-14 Hackers attempt to exploit critical vulnerability in F5 BIG-IP ADC The FBI has issued a Private Industry Notification warning that a group of Iranian hackers have been trying to exploit...
Innovation and Laboratory Area in ElevenPaths ClipBanker Malware Tries to Stop Our Defence Tool CryptoClipWatcher The malware capable of modifying the clipboard to “switch” the crypto wallet still exists. To fight it, ElevenPaths developed CryptoClipWatcher, a tool that monitors the clipboard and alerts if...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...
Florence Broderick Latch, new ElevenPaths' service During the time we’ve been working in ElevenPaths we’ve faced many kind of events internally, buy one of the most exciting and awaited is the birth of Latch. It’s a technology of our...
Florence Broderick HookMe, a tool for intercepting communications with API hooking HookMe is a tool for Windows that allows to intercept system processes when calling APIs needed for network connections. The tool, still in beta, was developed by Manuel Fernández (now...
Florence Broderick How does blacklisting work in Java and how to take advantage of it (using whitelisting) Oracle has introduced the notion of whitelisting in its latest version of Java 7 update 40. That is a great step ahead (taken too late) in security for this...