ElevenPaths Detected an extension in Chrome Web Store, active from February, that steals credit cards We have detected an extension for Google Chrome, still active, that steals data from web site forms visited by the victims. This extension, which is still available on Chrome...
ElevenPaths m33tfinder: a vulnerability on Cisco Meeting Server detected by ElevenPaths On November 7th, while we were holding our Security Innovation Day, Cisco published a security advisory with CVE-2018-15446 associated to a vulnerability on the software Cisco Meeting Server reported by our Innovation and Labs...
ElevenPaths You are less rational than you think when you take decisions under uncertain conditions I propose you the following game of luck: Option A: I give 1,000 € to you with a probability of 100%. Option B: Let’s leave it to heads or tails: if...
ElevenPaths A story about two minds: the vast difference between real and perceived risk “In our society it is generally not considered justifiable to make a decision purely on an emotional response. We want to be considered scientific and rational, so we come up with...
ElevenPaths You’ve got mail? You’ve got malware A few weeks ago I was ‘compromised’. A well-known vulnerability was exploited and I was left financially exposed, with my reputation potentially at risk. “What happened?” I hear you...
Florence Broderick Studying the trojan apps for Android used in Hacking Team leak Between the information leaked these days about #HackingTeam, several trojan Android APK files have been found. A first approach with Tacyt shows interesting relations with legitimate apps, the ones leaked a...
Florence Broderick Faast already detects "Logjam": Imperfect Forward Secrecy Faast teams have been working all day long to add a new plugin to our list of detected vulnerabilities. There has been found a new security problem in TLS...
Florence Broderick ElevenPaths finds a XSS problem in Play Framework Play Framework is defined as “The high velocity Web Framemork for Java and Scala”. We use it internally in some of our products. Ricardo Martín from our QA team...
Florence Broderick 5.500 apps potentially vulnerable to Man in the Middle attacks in Google Play It has been discovered than AppsGeyser, an app creator “with just a few clicks”, deactivates the SSL certificate validation in its apps. An attacker on the same network as...
Florence Broderick PhpMyAdmin fixes a XSS detected by ElevenPaths (CVE-2014-9219) On November 28th, while our Faast team was developing an intrusion module for PhpMyAdmin MySQL manager, we detected a new cross site scripting vulnerability not known so far in this...
Innovation Marketing Team Empowering women in entrepreneurship: 10 female – led startups in Germany In Germany, only about 15% of startups are initiated by women. Sadly, the figure has been stagnant for years. Additionally, female-led startups receive significantly less Venture Capital than those...
Kassandra Block The latest from MWC21: connectivity, innovation and entertainment in Telefónica’s digital home How are we reinventing the home at Telefónica? The pandemic has changed consumer habits and the home has become a space where we work, have fun and socialise. All of this was...
ElevenPaths Squeezing the numbers and facts of Google’s annual Android security report Last month Google published its third annual security report on Android’s security protections, aiming to send a clear message to the world about mobile malware (or Potentially Harmful Applications...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...