ElevenPaths APTualizator (II): Deconstructing Necurs Rootkit and Tools for Detecting and Removing It This report has been drafted by Roberto Santos and Javier Rascón from the CSIRT-SCC (Security Cyberoperations Center) Research Team, in collaboration with ElevenPaths. At the end of June 2019, a big Spanish company was attacked and thousands of their computers were impacted. Such was...
ElevenPaths New Global DDoS Threat Report Globally, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have become more prevalent, powerful and sophisticated. Attackers continue to see great success from using DDoS attacks as a major attack...
Innovation and Laboratory Area in ElevenPaths Google report 17% of Microsoft vulnerabilities. Microsoft and Qihoo, 10% Who finds more vulnerabilities in Microsoft products? What percentage of vulnerabilities are discovered by Microsoft, other companies or vulnerability brokers? How many flaws have unknown discoverers? Over this report we have analyzed...
Innovation and Laboratory Area in ElevenPaths Uncovering APTualizator: the APT that patches Windows By the end of June 2019, we assisted to an incident were a high number of computers had started to reboot abnormally. In parallel, was detected a file called...
Innovation and Laboratory Area in ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityReport19H1: 45,000 apps removed from Google Play, 2% of them detected by antiviruses Currently, there are a number of reports addressing trends and summaries on security. However, at ElevenPaths we want to make a difference. Our Innovation and Labs team has just...
ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityPulse: Army Launches Direct Commissioning Program for Civilian Cybersecurity Experts The Army has approved a program to recruit experienced cybersecurity experts directly into the service as cyber officers in an attempt to bolster a growing field that military leaders...
ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityPulse: Injection and XSS, the Most Critical Web Application Security Risks The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) has just updated the top ten list of web app vulnerabilities for the first time since 2013 but not much has actually...
ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityPulse: The Last Disaster of Ethereum’s Most Important Wallets It is estimated that 587 wallets with around 513,774.16 ethers have been frozen after an anomaly in one of Ethereum’s most important wallets was detected. Parity Technologies, a company...
ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityPulse: Last Update About Bad Rabbit Ransomware On October 24th infections about a ransomware called Bad Rabbit began to spread. Less than one day, it has been targeting organizations and consumers, mostly in Russia, Ukraine, Turkey,...
ElevenPaths #CyberSecurityPulse: The Attack Against the WPA2 Encryption that Poses a Threat to Our Wireless Security On October 16, a research has been published about an attack to the current recommended encryption standard for WiFi networks, WPA2. Although the risks to these networks are not...