Florence Broderick Information leakages found in Google and Yahoo! (found with FaasT) A few weeks ago, Manuel Fernández, developer and security auditor in Eleven Paths, found some DS_Store files served by some Google URLs while testing FaasT. Google awarded the discovery...
Florence Broderick FaaS: Visión global de Pentesting by Design La idea que tenemos sobre seguridad es diferente sobre lo que históricamente las organizaciones han ido utilizando. ¿Realmente es lo que necesitaban? Pensamos que un sistema continuo de pentesting...
Innovation Marketing Team Empowering women in entrepreneurship: 10 female – led startups in Germany In Germany, only about 15% of startups are initiated by women. Sadly, the figure has been stagnant for years. Additionally, female-led startups receive significantly less Venture Capital than those...
ElevenPaths Squeezing the numbers and facts of Google’s annual Android security report Last month Google published its third annual security report on Android’s security protections, aiming to send a clear message to the world about mobile malware (or Potentially Harmful Applications...
Florence Broderick Evil FOCA is now Open Source We are really happy to announce that Evil FOCA is now Open Source. We have received lots of comments and feedback about how you are using Evil FOCA, or how...
Florence Broderick How to bypass antiXSS filter in Chrome and Safari (discovered by ElevenPaths) Modern browsers usually have an antiXSS filter, that protects users from some of the consequences of this kind of attacks. Normally, they block cross site scripting execution, so the...
Florence Broderick FOCA Final Version, the ultimate FOCA You all know FOCA. Over the years, it had a great acceptation and became quite popular. Eleven Path has killed the FOCA to turn it into a professional service,...