Aiming to help clients to adapt their systems in this new technological reality and its growing challenges in security matters, ElevenPaths and iLife Security, company specialized in Full Outsorcing in IT Management, had signed an agreement for implementing personalized services in support, IT management and security.
This collaboration will have the goal of sharing knowledge and technical resources, to implement products and services based on digital security and correct IT management, also using ElevenPaths technologies: Latch, Security Monitoring and Metashield.
Jesús Cabrera, CEO of iLife Security, mentions that “iLife Security offers services “Hackfriend 360º”, helping business in their daily usage and management of technological incidents. These services also analyze constantly the infrastructure inside the company, looking for vulnerabilities”.
Rames Sarwat, ElevenPaths Vice Presidente for Strategic Alliances, says that “This agreement suits perfectly ElevenPaths’ Security Solutions, Identity and Access and Data Protection, in a way that, through a personalized management IT service, our customers can cover the full cycle of information and security management”.
Both ElevenPaths and iLife Security included these services in their portolios, to broad the options for tchnological solutions, consultancy and top development.
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To see the Press Release done by ElevenPaths and iLife Security, click here.